
The Relationships item in the Person Entry list controls the inclusion of relationship information in the person entry. If the item is enabled, Second Site will calculate the relationship between the subject and the people listed in the Subject IDs property.

Subject IDs

Specify one or more TMG ID numbers in the Subject IDs textbox. Separate the numbers with semicolons. Second Site will calculate relationships to each of the people indicated by the ID numbers.

16; 1; 83

Since three TMG ID numbers were specified, Second Site would add up to 3 relationship sentences to each person page entry. For each person related to TMG ID#16, Second Site would calculate the relationship and add a relationship sentence. Similarly, Second Site would calculate the relationships to TMG ID#1 and also to TMG ID#83. If someone was related to all three people, that person would have three relationship sentences in their person page entry.

You can also use the Search by Name icon to add IDs to the Subject IDs field.

Note The remaining information on this page describes some of the inner workings of the relationship feature. You do not need this information in order to use the feature. The sections that follow are for people who want to make advanced customizations.

Relationship Sentences

Second Site uses relationship sentences to construct text that appears in person page entries when the current person is related to one or more of the people identified by the Relationship Subject IDs. Relationship sentences are defined by files in the Defaults folder. At the present time, Second Site includes relationship sentences for Danish, Dutch, English (U.S.), English (UK), French, German, Norwegian, and Portuguese. I will distribute relationship sentences for other languages as they become available.

Relationship sentences are like event sentences. The default sentences provided with Second Site are of the form:

father of [P1]
mother of [P1]
son of [P1]
daughter of [P1]

When the sentence is processed, the P1 variable is set to one of the Subject IDs explained above, so [P1] returns the full name of that person. P2 is set to the current person for whom Second Site is creating a person page entry. As a result, you can include the current person's name as follows.

[P2] is the father of [P1]
[P2] is the mother of [P1]
[P2] is the son of [P1]
[P2] is the daughter of [P1]

You can also use other variables related to P2 such as [P2G].

Relationship Sentences File Format

The format for the entries in the \Defaults\language-relations.ini file is as follows:

ss-ccg = relationship sentence


ss represents the number of generations from the subject person (one of the people whose TMG ID is listed in the "Subject IDs" property) to the common ancestor.
cc represents the number of generations from the current person (the person whose person page entry is being written) to the common ancestor.

ss and cc must be two numeric characters each, "00", "01", ...
g is gender, either M, F, ?, or X. The gender refers to the current person (cc), not to the subject person (ss). ? means the gender of the subject person is unknown. X means the sentence applies to all genders.

Here's an example:

01-00M = father of [P1]

"01" which means there is one generation from the subject to the common ancestor. "00" means there are zero generations from the current person to the common ancestor, and "M" means the current person is male. (Zero generations means the person *is* the common ancestor.) If we reverse the generation counts:

00-01M = son of [P1]

The subject person is zero generations ("00") from the common ancestor, so he/she *is* the common ancestor, and the current person is only one generation away ("01"), so that's a child, and the child is male ("M"). A son.

Here are some other examples.

01-00F = mother of [P1]
01-01M = brother of [P1]
01-01F = sister of [P1]
01-01? = sibling of [P1]
01-02M = nephew of [P1]
01-02F = niece of [P1]
01-02? = niece/nephew of [P1]
02-02X = 1st cousin of [P1]

In English, there is no difference in the terms for male and female cousins. If a language had gender-specific articles or words for cousins, then the file would have to contain something like this:

02-02M = le cousin de [P1]
02-02F = la cousine de [P1]
02-02? = cousin(e) de [P1]

The "X" entries are just a shortcut that reduces the number of entries in the file.

Relationship Sentences Files: Alternates

Second Site includes two versions of the relationship sentences for English and a couple other languages.

Language Relationship File Alternate Relationship File
Dutch Dutch-relations.ini Dutch-relations-full.ini
English English-relations.ini English-relations-full.ini
German German-relations.ini German-relations-full.ini
Norwegian Norwegian-relations.ini Norwegian-relations-full.ini

If you want to use the alternate file, you will have to rename the files such that the one you want to use has the official name, for example, "English-relations.ini" for English, "German-relations.ini" for German.

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